
Despite best efforts at fact-checking, D8 News can occasionally follow false leads or be misled by inaccurate news sources. It’s our priority to be upfront and transparent about these incidents as governed by our Editorial Complaints and Corrections policy.

If a news article or social media post has been widely shared, we may choose to keep the content online and issue a notice of correction and/or retraction in keeping with traditions of journalistic integrity. Our corrections follow:

Retraction: Article on British tourism impact of child marriage law

On Saturday 19 November 2016 a dubious tip-off led to the publication of an article suggesting UK travel firms were concerned about the immigration impact of a new proposed bill in Turkey. Upon review we found insufficient basis for the claims as well as the reliability of the source, and withdrew the piece.

Correction: ZedBooks’ Facebook page

On Friday 13 May 2016 publisher ZedBooks incorrectly claimed that their Facebook page had been taken down on grounds of political content. Because there is no reliable way for third parties to verify whether a Facebook page is suspended, only the page owner is informed of suspension/deletion. ZedBooks has now clarified that no such notice was served to them. Such incidents detract from the thousands of incidents of genuine censorship journalists, writers and publishers must deal with in Turkey and worldwide.

Our fact-checking procedure has been amended to require evidence of page suspension/blocking in the form of screenshots from victims prior to publication.

Correction: Ebru Umar’s Turkish citizenship

We briefly published a Tweet suggesting that Dutch-Turkish columnist Ebru Umar had been stripped of Turkish citizenship, whereas she had in fact requested citizen to be cancelled.

The situation arose due to a translation / communication error between our Turkish and English editorial teams, and the tweet was deleted within 10 minutes of publication. Checks have been put in place to avoid such mistakes in future.


We're sorry