Transmission of independent satellite channel IMC TV has been suspended by Turkish satellite provider TÜRKSAT following state pressure. The left-leaning liberal channel, popular with viewers worldwide as one of the last remaining independent channels in the country, was terminated at 3:00PM during a live interview with journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül who have been vocal opponents of the ruling AK Party.

“Terror propaganda”

TÜRKSAT officials explained that the decision came following a formal complaint made to the company’s marketing division. The shutdown follows a recent order by the public prosecutor of Ankara demanding an end to IMC TV’s broadcast on grounds of “terror propaganda” indicating that the shutdown is an act of state censorship.

Captured: Moment IMC TV blocked during live interview with Can Dündar

Footage of the moments immediately before and after the shutdown have been captured. The interview continues as Dündar states that this is not surprising given the rapid decline in media freedom in Turkey.

Internet streams remain online

Dundar IMC interviewIMC TV has continued its broadcast online in the hours following the shutdown. However, in a country where satellite and terrestrial television dominate, the online transmission is likely to reach far fewer viewers. As a commercial media organisation, IMC TV relied on broadcast advertisement spots for much of its income, casting doubt over its sustainability without a broadcast channel.